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Installing FFMPEG

[zip version] See the readme.advancedfx.txt in the ffmpeg folder where HLAE was extracted.

[Setup version] If you use the HLAE installer, that will allow you to install ffmpeg automatically.


Disable/enable FFMPEG for a given group of streams:

mirv_movie_ffmpeg all|allColor|allMain|allWorld|allEntity|allDepth enabled 0|1

Gets or sets current enabled state on a given stream:

mirv_movie_ffmpeg main|mainRight|world|worldRight|entity|entityRight|depthMain|depthMainRight|depthWorld|depthWorldRight|hudColor|hudAlpha|debug enabled [0|1]

Set options for the given group of streams:

mirv_movie_ffmpeg all|allColor|allMain|allWorld|allEntity|allDepth options <sOptions>

Gets or sets options on the given stream:

mirv_movie_ffmpeg main|mainRight|world|worldRight|entity|entityRight|depthMain|depthMainRight|depthWorld|depthWorldRight|hudColor|hudAlpha|debug options <sOptions>

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