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Gives access to fov scaling and view settings.


mirv_cfg fovScaling default|none|alienSwarm

Sets the fov scaling. Value default tries to detect the game when possible (will e.g. equal alienSwarm for CS:GO, while it can be different for other games).


mirv_cfg forceViewOverride 0|1 // 1 is default

If to force the view override onto the local player, can fix a few bugs (CS:GO only).


mirv_cfg forceViewOverrideHltv 0|1 // 0 is default

If to force the view override onto the HLTVCamera (e.g. for GOTV) (CS:GO only).


mirv_cfg viewOverrideReset 0|1 // 1 is default

If to reset roll to 0 and fov to 90 (unscaled) after ending a view override (CS:GO only).


mirv_cfg mirvForceSpectatorToolsMapOverviewShowAll 0|1 // Default 1

If to extend map overview in mirv_force_spectatortools.


mirv_cfg mirvPov [...]

Allows to tamper with the interp to get more accurate POV view on average (or turn that behavior off).

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