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Help Translation

The project is built using Vitepress, thus it's ok to edit Markdown files and preview the results easily. You should have a GitHub account to create pull requests (PRs).

Folder Structure

Files and .** folders in the project directory have already been configured properly. You should focus on docs/ folder.

  • .vitepress/: The config and theme of the site
    • config.ts: Main config
    • sidebar.ts: Sidebar config
    • theme/: Theme config
  • components/: Vue.js components that can be used in Markdown files
  • public/: public assets
  • blog/ commands/ faq/ guides/ releases/: Content of the document site
  • <locale>/: Translation of a locale, such as zh-hans/ represents Simplified Chinese
  • Index file for the Home Page. In sub-folders, its metadata controls the title, order ... of the content.

Add a new locale

  1. Edit docs/.vitepress/config.ts, please edit <locale> and specific texts to correct ones.
      search: {
        options: {
          locales: {
            // Translate Search Texts for the <locale>
            "<locale>": {
              translations: {
                button: {
                  buttonText: "",
                  buttonAriaLabel: "",
                modal: {
                  displayDetails: "",
                  backButtonTitle: "",
                  noResultsText: "",
                  resetButtonTitle: "",
                  footer: {
                    selectText: "",
                    navigateText: "",
                    closeText: "",
  2. Edit docs/.vitepress/config.ts, please edit <locale>, <English/简体中文/...>, and specific texts to correct ones.
     locales: {
      // Override Config for the <locale>
      "<locale>": {
        label: "<English/简体中文/...>",
        lang: "<locale>",
        link: "/<locale>/",
        title: "Advancedfx",
          "Half-Life Advanced Effects (HLAE) is a tool to enrich Source (mainly CS:GO) engine based movie making.",
        themeConfig: {
          lastUpdated: {
            text: "Last Updated",
          editLink: {
            text: "Edit this page on GitHub",
          docFooter: {
            prev: "Previous Page",
            next: "Next Page",
          footer: {
            message: "Made with ❤️ by Advancedfx",
            copyright: "Copyright © 2023-present",
          nav: [
            { text: "Guides", link: "/<locale>/guides/" },
            { text: "Commands", link: "/<locale>/commands/" },
            { text: "FAQ", link: "/<locale>/faq/" },
            { text: "Blog", link: "/<locale>/blog/" },
            { text: "Releases", link: "/<locale>/releases/" },
            { text: "Download", link: "/<locale>/" }, // TODO: link to download #
  3. Edit docs/.vitepress/sidebar.ts, please edit <locale> to the correct one.
    const sidebar = generateSidebar([
      // Duplicate Previous Ones to modify
        scanStartPath: "<locale>",
        resolvePath: "/<locale>/",
        excludeFolders: ["releases", "blog"],
        scanStartPath: "<locale>/releases",
        resolvePath: "/<locale>/releases/",
        sortMenusOrderByDescending: true,
        scanStartPath: "<locale>/blog",
        resolvePath: "/<locale>/blog/",
        sortMenusOrderByDescending: true,
  4. Duplicate blog/ commands/ faq/ guides/ releases/ and to a new <locale> folder.
  5. Do edit and translation. Git Commit and push when you are ready.
  6. Create a Pull Request to merge your contribution.

Translate new pages

Similar to above steps, but this time without step 1~3.

In step 4, copy new files to the correct path in <locale> folder.

Edit a existed page

If you see a existed page that need translation or improvement, simply click Edit this page on GitHub and follow the instructions. It would be like the above step 5~6.

Notice on writing .md for the site

Before the Main content of markdown, we have a metadata section. title will be used in the sidebar. order will be used to determine the order of pages in the sidebar.

title: Get Started
order: 0

# Get Started

Yo~✋🏻 in subfolders configures the title and order of the folder/group of content.


All .md file names must be lower_cased.

Test Locally

  1. Install Node.js >= 18.
  2. Install pnpm globally: npm i -g pnpm
  3. Git clone the repository and change to the directory.
  4. Install packages: pnpm install
  5. Start Testing: pnpm dev
  6. CTRL+C quit and re-dev triggers sidebar updates.


Checkout package.json > scripts to view all pnpm * commands.

Made with ❤️ by Advancedfx