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This command allows to filter death notifications and to control the death notification display time.

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Supported Games

Only Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is supported!

Script by Chet Jong

This script toggles on/off to limit the death notices to the currently spectated player.

alias "localplayer" "localplayer_on"
alias "localplayer_on" "mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=!xTrace block=1 lastRule=1;alias localplayer localplayer_off;echo KILLFEED: ONLY LOCAL PLAYER"
alias "localplayer_off" "mirv_deathmsg filter clear;alias localplayer localplayer_on;echo KILLFEED: DEFAULT"

unbind h
bind "h" "localplayer"


The display time of death notifications

mirv_deathmsg lifetime // allows to set the display time of normal death notices in seconds. To clear notices set mirv_deathmsg lifeTime default (or even 0) and rewind back to e.g. the round start. mirv_deathmsg lifetimeMod // a multiplier in seconds for the localPlayer (red border), so the display time of those notices is lifetime * lifetimeMod

How to block everything except a specific player:

  1. mirv_listentities isPlayer=1 // note down the XUID (replace <XUID> below with it)
  2. mirv_deathmsg filter clear
  3. mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=!x<XUID> victimMatch=!x<XUID> block=1 lastRule=1

How to highlight (red border) a specific player:

  1. mirv_listentities isPlayer=1 // note down the XUID (replace <XUID> below with it)
  2. mirv_deathmsg localPlayer x<XUID>

Block everything except specific multiple players:

mirv_deathmsg filter clear
mirv_deathmsg filter add block=1
// Repeat these two for every player <XUID> you want to see:
mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=x<XUID> block=0
mirv_deathmsg filter add victimMatch=x<XUID> block=0

Block everything except specific multiple players + highlight (red-border):

mirv_deathmsg filter clear
mirv_deathmsg filter add block=1
// Repeat these two for every player <XUID> you want to see:
mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=x<XUID> attackerIsLocal=1 block=0
mirv_deathmsg filter add victimMatch=x<XUID> victimIsLocal=1 block=0

Highlight (red-border) only specific multiple players, without blocking

mirv_deathmsg localPlayer default
mirv_deathmsg filter clear
mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerIsLocal=0 victimIsLocal=0
// Repeat these two for every player <XUID> you want to highlight:
mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=x<XUID> attackerIsLocal=1
mirv_deathmsg filter add victimMatch=x<XUID> victimIsLocal=1

Hiding icons

mirv_deathmsg filter add noscope=0 thrusmoke=0 attackerblind=0

For a full list of options, enter mirv_deathmsg filter add in the console.

More examples

  • mirv_deathmsg fake attackerId=4 victimId=5 weapon=ak47 headshot=1 // will make a death notice for the player with userID 4 killing the player with userId 5 with a headshot from ak47, will only work if one death message has been shown already.
  • mirv_deathmsg localPlayer xTrace // sets the current POV player as localPlayer by their XUID.
  • mirv_deathmsg lifeTime 100.5 // sets the next default death notice life time to 100.5 seconds, to clear notices set mirv_deathmsg lifeTime default (or even 0) and rewind back to e.g. the round start.
  • mirv_deathmsg lifeTimeMod 1.0 // sets the next default death notice life time multiplier for local player times 1.
  • mirv_deathmsg lifeTimeMod default // restores default life time multiplier.
  • mirv_deathmsg filter add attackerMatch=!xTrace victimMatch=!xTrace block=1 lastRule=1 // block all death messages except of the player by XUID in the current POV.

More options

There are more options for the mirv_deathmsg command and its sub-commands, just enter the command / sub-command without parameters to get help printed in the console.

Selection of players

In many places of the commands you can select the players as follows:

  • 1234 - player with user id 1234
  • x12345678901234 - player with user XUID 12345678901234
  • k2 - player on spectator key 2
  • xTrace - the current player's XUID hit with a trace from the middle of the screen (if any)

Match negation

The attackerMatch, victimMatch and assisterMatch match options support negation, by prefixing the selected player with an exclamation mark, e.g. !k2 would match every player that is not on spectator key 2.

See also

  • [[Source:Commands]]

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